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YouTube Episode Transcripts:

Episode 6

Alright, so welcome back to the channel. I am Jeremy at Brendle Concepts and we are now up to episode 6 on Project Rising Sun. Today we are actually going to pick up where we left off last time. I was planning on actually having the front end mocked up to basically here. For today's episode...

But to be honest, I got sucked down the rock with a radical of the rear fascia and I couldn't let it go. So yeah, so this is where we are at and I'm really excited about doing this part of it. The rear fascia was a big question mark for me looking at this build. I wasn't sure how I wanted to do it.

Originally, I was thinking about cutting off the winglets. There's a couple of things on this car that Toyota really kind of, in my opinion, really fell short. That's one of them. The placement of the winglet makes it weird to me. I understand kind of why they did it because they were trying to lift the bottom of the car up for appearances. However...

The winglets themselves are kind of fake looking, they're cheap looking, and on top of that, what's behind there is stamped right into the bumper, so doing anything with it is pretty much a nightmare. I had planned on, like I said, taking the winglets off and blending my wheel wells back into the plastics of the rear fascia. That would have been okay, but...

I really am kind of a stickler about incorporating as much of the OEM car as I possibly can into my designs. So getting rid of something that I felt was a distinct part of the Supra kind of went against how I design and how I build. So I was kind of stuck in this limbo area of what I wanted to do. And...

Really what I decided is since we were creating the opening in front of the rear wheel

I am going to create this opening behind the rear wheel. Now, it's kind of interesting because it blends very well back into the rear fascia. The lower section here will be a flat blade that will come up and blend into the bottom, which will allow me to extend further and down into the rear fascia, which is great because I did not wanna have to redo the entire fascia from scratch. So I'm able to save the plastics

them which is perfect for my design. This area here I'm going to be bringing in this kind of C circular shape and this will create the opening for the outlet of the air. Now I will make them functional. I will make a tunnel out of fiberglass. We'll smooth it all out and since the car is getting repainted anyway it'll blend and look great. We'll be carrying the same theme up into the front.

this part into the front. Also there is this shape in the gas door that I've been trying to put back into the design because there's a few things on this car that when you look at it it only appears like once. The gas door for example. This circular shape if you look at the car other than the Toyota emblems you really don't see it anywhere else. So by bringing this shape down into here

kind of bringing a little bit of continuity and flow back into my design and making some of these other shapes, you know, make sense. We'll be doing the same thing on the front bumper. There's a little bit of an overstep that you really don't see anywhere else in the car. I'm going to try and blend all that when we get to the front end as well.

So that's pretty much where I'm at right now. Like I said, it took a little bit of time to get here. I went through several different versions of this. It was a little bit frustrating at times because, like I said, trying to incorporate as much of the OEM car as possible back into the design.

It's a challenge. Sometimes chopping something off and starting from scratch is just easy because you can make it look like anything. But to actually get the original car so that when someone sees this thing come down the road and they see these original lines, they're gonna know what that is. That was the original winglet or the original whatever. So to be able to pull from there and create something else off of it, I think that...

play very well into the design and that is the theme we're going to try and carry through uniformly throughout the car. I'm real excited about ideas for the spoiler, you know, looking at the taillights. A lot of stuff to touch on for inspiration to move forward. It's kind of been a little bit of slow goings only because I had to work this stuff out, but make sure you keep checking back because the next episode I should have the entire front end mocked up to this point.

And that's going to be exciting because you'll be able to see, you know, the entire car front to back, what the grand scheme of this thing is and what it's really going to look like and how much wider, you know, you get the depth and dimension that you just kind of can't see yet. So make sure you're checking back. Two weeks we'll be dropping that. And if you guys, you know, see anything, you know, you like it, let me know. I have a lot of positive feedback.

Personally in my personal life people coming up and they are enjoying what they're seeing so don't be afraid to comment If you see it you like it make sure you subscribe and we'll catch you guys next time. Thanks

So basically, I'm wearing this mic today thanks to Tom. And Tom, in a nutshell, said my audible, or audio, sucks. So I went out and yeah, we got this little handy-dandy Bluetooth mic and I hope for Tom that my audio is crystal clear. All right, thanks Tom. And for everyone else too. Yeah, and for everyone else.

Episode 5

Alright, I am Jeremy of Brendle Concepts and welcome back to my channel. Today is exciting for me because, well, I have something that resembles a car. This was actually a really good week for me. Got a lot of done, a lot of stuff accomplished. Okay, so I started the week off with creating these handy little jigs to hold the wheel arch.

Now anyone that's seen a body kit or any of these aftermarket body kits will tell you the wheel arch is one of the most important parts of a body kit. You have a round wheel, you have a round tire, and if your wheel arch is not perfect, you're going to see it. So to hold my arches in place, I created these little jigs. I like to use paint sticks and people laugh.

but I do it because they're an eighth inch thick. So if you know what you want your dimension to be, you can laminate them together like I have and create whatever height you want. Now on the bottom, because knowing that I wanted my wheel arch to sit basically flush with my tire, I was able to square off the bottom of that on the backside of my round rod, and that simulated.

butting up against my tire. With that now I have my flush fitment and I have the spacing that I want holding my wheel arch in place semi-permanently while I do my template round rod. So the next step was to actually create the wheel arch. This is made out of 316 round rod

This will be what I use for all the permanent structure for this body kit. I guess I really couldn't call it a body kit at this point since we are gonna be molding this all into the car. So this is gonna be a molded body kit, I guess. But that will be all 316th round rail. What I have right now is all 8th inch round rail. So this is gonna be a 316th round rail.

I use this because it's extremely cheap and it's extremely flexible. So I can really get the shapes contoured to really where I want them. And right now I've painted them red, hopefully you guys can see them. But what I do with the glossy finish is look at the reflection of the light off the gloss and it really highlights the curvature of what I'm bending, or what I have bent after it's actually in place.

So right now what I have is simulating my cut line into my fiberglass. These are my ending points. This is where I will be blending back into the OEM body.

I haven't gotten to the back section of the wheel well yet. The bottom is going to be blended into the rear fascia. You're gonna have to watch to see how I do that one because that's gonna be pretty cool.

But that's going to involve a lot of stretching and moving back into the rear fascia there. So once I have the rear fascia trimmed, then I can actually create the patterns and shapes to go back into that. So that's basically where I'm at right now. Again, very happy with the progress. This really gives you a good idea of the direction I want to take this car.

And a lot of people ask me how I get, you know, my inspiration for design, or how do I decide which way I'm gonna go? And a lot of times the car itself dictates the design. When I first looked at the Supra, I really had thought about taking the fake vent out of the door and moving it into the wheel well area. I think pretty much everybody wants to see that. We wanna see that from the factory, to be honest with you. Toyota, that...

should have happened. It didn't. But for the simple fact that I think anyone that's looked at this car is pretty much thought of that idea is exactly why I want to do something different. So you can see how I have taken this bottom archway here that mimics the door and really taking this shape and reversing it has now made it

stylistic hue into the new body lines that I'm creating. That right there is kind of how I would define my style. I don't really like to...

over embellish. I really like to take a lot of styling cues from the car and integrate them back into the new design. Case in point would be this opening down here at the bottom. The flat blade that will come out from the side skirt is actually the shape is taken from the headlight where I took loosely the shape of the LED strip in it and reversed it and that is what I'm using down here

So a lot of times people ask me, well, how do you get your lines to flow? Well, I follow pretty much OEM lines.

It's not really a trick. I mean, guys, I've been doing it for years, but that's pretty much how I come up with my designs. So in a nutshell, like this is pretty much where I'm at. This is the direction I'm taking this car. Once I have the patterns finished out, I will do the actual welding video, the final installation.

That's when you'll get to see all that happen. I didn't do any of the rolling video for these patterns because it's just a stupid, tedious process. It takes a long time. It's a lot of back and forth walking and really there's no reason to show you that. So once I get some good footage, that's really worthwhile to show you how it's done or how I'm doing it anyway. That's when I'll start kicking out the videos again. But for now...

Hopefully you enjoy, you know, what you're seeing. I always appreciate everyone watching and I hope you continue watching. So thanks and see you next time.

Episode 4

Welcome to the channel, I am Jeremy from Brendle Concepts and we are on episode we're gonna go for because we can't remember and so yeah so the latest episode yeah in this episode aka episode we don't remember for we're gonna talk about the base panels that are no longer on the car

going to talk about the direction that we're going to be taking this car and all the go fast parts that we've added to the car previously leading up to me chopping this thing up. So I guess first and foremost we are going to start with the fiberglass and the base panel and

For those of you out there who might've been wondering what I've been doing.

this fiberglass and making these base panels I thought this would be a really good opportunity to explain how this is gonna work. So these panels basically are reproduction of the base of the car. It's nothing more than a skin. I'm going to be able to take these skins off the car multiple times for fitment and to

add my round rod. This round rod I will be attaching to the fiberglass various ways. We'll create the frame for the three-dimensional shapes that will make all the new parts. Once I'm done with all the framework I will be able to go back in with thin membrane foam and add fiberglass to make these all solid pieces.

Once all that is done, all the extra material will be trimmed and then will be attached back to the car and fit, sanded. The direction of the car is kind of up in the air right now. I've made these panels particularly to be removable by section. I'm heavily leaning towards molding this car in and making it seamless, which.

makes the panels irrelevant in the end as far as how many sections I make them. But there are definitely some complications for doing that. So I'm making this as if it would be kind of like a bolt-on body kit with no exposed fasteners. Now I don't have anything against body kits that have exposed fasteners. It's just not the direction I want to go with this car.

to do with this car is something that's kind of more my style and that is keeping in the theme of the original car. I want this thing to feel still like a Supra. I don't want extreme, you know, exaggerated aero. I don't want giant openings. I don't want a lot of

exaggerated angles that really change the overall aesthetics of the car. I want this thing to remain a Supra at the core. What I really want to achieve is a lot of flowing lines, a lot of curvatures. I'm really pushing for rolled fenders. I do not want flat wheel arches. I want everything to be really rolled, very thin, and very flowing. That's the best way I can

it, you know, really describe it. So using round rod like this, I'll be able to roll all the shapes that I want, attach everything to these panels like I said, and in the end either it will be fastened on and all the fasteners will be hidden, or we'll just, you know, swing for the fences and mold everything in and try to make this thing as seamless as possible. Where we end up, the car will actually kind of dictate all of that. So that's kind of the direction of where we're going to go.

with the belt.

Okay, so go fast parts. That's what everybody wants to know. Everybody's always interested in what's under the hood. So since this is a 2021, the computer is locked. I was not able to go with the traditional, you know, email tune with a tuner. That is kind of unfortunate because I wish I could have gotten a little bit more out of the car. I know there are places that you can send, you know,

that potentially you can get the thing unlocked and it's just really not worth it or spending the money. So we went with the JB4 plug-in tuner. I was a little skeptical at first I'm not gonna lie because I've never gone with a piggyback system like this or a plug-in. I've always done like a traditional dyno tune or you know email tune that's you know on the conservative end.

This I was just actually shocked at number one, how easy it was to install. I mean, it was 20 minutes. The difference this makes on the car is really shocking. Going through all the different maps and doing the logging for a Bergen Motorsports.

Super simple process just like any other email tune. They were lightning fast with their responses sometimes within the same day. I had everything, all the mapping.

emails responses within two days, which is ridiculously quick. So hats off to them, that was a big surprise.

The performance out of the car night and day difference. The throttle response I find to be crisper. You definitely get more boost, definitely quicker. I don't know you know exactly how much power it makes. I'm not going to throw this thing on a dyno. This is basically a show car, but yeah it makes more power a lot more fun.

So that's where we started. From there we went to the intake next. I went with the MST cold air intake. It is their V2 version. The number one reason I went with this intake setup was this one offered an aluminum charge pipe to the turbo. It gets rid of all the plastic that came on the car. I don't know why.

manufacturers put plastic charge pipes on turbos. It's just stupid. But this took care of it and it was one of the most highly rated on the market.

The only thing that I really can say that I wasn't a big fan of is the enclosure on the top. Doesn't fit all that great. Not a big deal killer for me. I mean, it's just bent metal anyway. It's really easy to reshape it. But the sound is great. The way it fits, you know, to the engine was fantastic. The cone element on it is a great construction. Overall, very satisfied. The sounds, spot on. It's everything you would expect out of a Colt.

especially on a turbo car. From there we decided to switch out the exhaust. The exhaust on this car has been a bit of a nightmare and I'm just gonna leave it at that. I started off with a highly reputable manufacturer who couldn't get me

system undamaged to basically save their life and I'm gonna leave all names out of it but yeah that really changed my opinion on a big name brand will just say that so I decided to go local

and we went with Vivid Racing who offered a full titanium catback at a ridiculously budget-friendly price. Now, I'm not going to lie, I was skeptical until I actually went down to Vivid Racing and saw the product myself. The fit and finish of this system is fantastic. I've been a welder for...

Oh my god, 30 years now. The first thing I did was throw a mirror down the tubing and check the internal welds. And everything was fused fantastically. I had the ability to speak to Vivid Racing. And the way they engineered this product was really fantastic. They did everything in-house and then had it remanufactured for themselves. Great product. The only drawback to it was they offers it as a.

Well, I don't even know what they really want to offer it as, but it's supposed to have an active exhaust. And the butterfly valve, there was an issue with it. I went with the system anyway because I didn't really think it was going to be that big of a deal. I was wrong.

However, to Vivid's credit, they stood behind their product, they did everything within their power to fix the issue. I would not hesitate to purchase this product in any way. Just be aware that if you do decide to go with it, you might end up with that little bit of a rattle out of it. The way I chose to fix it was simply to delete the valve altogether.

to have it after running the system. I think it sounds fantastic without the active exhaust anyway. Now the car itself still does have the active exhaust system or feature I should say so that when you hit the button inside you don't get all the pops and cracks out of the exhaust. So you get all the great tone you get a little bit more of a mellow volume.

But once you hit the button, you get everything that you want out of a turbo car. So it's actually fantastic. So from there, let's see, the only thing that we have left was the strut brace up front. This being a premium car, it did come with the aluminum braces. However, they were garbage. The strut braces on this car. I don't know what Toyota was thinking when they put those things on this car. I mean, they look like crump. Like

crimped bicycle tubing. It was garbage. So we went with the Blitz strut tower brace. I love how it ties in at four points. It spans across the front of the car and it probably added one of the biggest...

differences to the vehicle besides the tuner in the way that the car feels. After installing it you definitely felt a much tighter steering and on hard acceleration the front wheels stayed straight. So that's pretty much where we're leaving it with the performance mods right now. I'm not able to do anything with the suspension due to the

wheel and tire setup that I wanted to do. I was gonna do the HKS Hypermax adjustables. It's just not gonna work out. There's not enough clearance to get everything to work. That's kind of unfortunate because I was really excited about that kit, but that is what it is in the world of custom. So that's gonna wrap it up for today's episode. Make sure you check back next time because we are gonna start on the...

round rod process on all the base fiberglass panels. So this is where the car is gonna really start taking shape and get real interesting. So we'll see you next time. Thanks for watching.



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